Monday, August 8, 2011


Words are used to express what you are feeling, and what you are thinking. Words are used to hurt people, and to lift them up. Eventually, however, words lose their meaning. They have lost their meaning. You can only hear the same thing so many times before it doesn't even mean anything anymore. I'm sorry. Lets fix this. I won't do it again. But we will, and we do. When does this vicious cycle end? How can I fix this? Does a fix ever come? Or is it just meant to be broken and that's it. The end? It's the same problem, the same thought, just expressed a million different ways.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Birth Story

You can find my labor and delivery story on Jessica's blog about motherhood and her journey into motherhood over the next few years.

It's a really interesting blog and I suggest anyone who is a parent or wants to be a parent to check it out.


BumGenius All In One One Size Cloth Diaper Review.

Thanks to a very good friend of mine I have finally began to cloth diaper. I have wanted to for over a year now, I just haven't had the deposit big enough to get us started. This is my review of the BumGenius AIO One Size Cloth Diaper.

I immediately fell in love with these diapers. They are soft and come in a assortment of cute colors what you can't find with disposables. The all in ones have an attached insert, so they are really the simplest of all cloth diapers.  The ones I got have snaps instead of velcro which I really like. The elastic is very good in them and since some of them were used it tells me that the elastic is very durable. I have heard of this diaper rubbing the inside of the legs raw, however I have not encountered that problem, thus far.

Also, I was kind of wondering, before I started cloth diapering if they would feel wet. After changing a wet diaper I felt that the wetness gets absorbed by the bottom layer and is not sitting on your babies skin.

Washing the diapers is a breeze and this is the best method I found that works for me. I pre-rinse on cold, then wash on hot with about a tablespoon of my regular detergent and a little bleach every other wash.

Thank you Sarah for finally getting us on the cloth diaper train. Not only will this save money but cut back on diaper rash! You can read about Sarah's life on her blog.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cuppa Cuppa Cake

I have just made perfection. Complete and utter unfailing perfection (besides my daughter ;) ). And all it took was one cup of flour, one cup of sugar, and one can of fruit cocktail. I promise it will change your life.

Find the recipe here!

Yes, it is the same cake from Steel Magnolias. Pure bliss.


Identity Crisis.

I am Mommy, but I am Amber to those who aren't my children. Lately, Skylee has come to realize the fact I, and Trevor, have names other then Mommy and Daddy. Just today we got into the car to go buy diapers and in the back I heard, "Amer, Amer." I looked back just for a second which resulted in "Passy pwease". I could almost cry, from what seemed to me like a curse word coming from her lips. I have tried several approaches, which have obviously been unsuccessful.
I have ignored it, I have told her that I am Mommy and I'm not going to respond to any other name.  Even the slightest recognition from us has resulted in a never ending dialog of "Amer or Treber."

According to this article :
This is a way of the child trying to be more like an adult, the way they wear your hat or put on your shoes. Although you shouldn't encourage this behavior don't punish them either.


Friday, July 29, 2011

How do I do IT?

Full time mommy, full time student, full time home maker, part time baby sitter.
Where did I get all the time to be all of these things? It hasn't come without its difficulties, but mostly from sheer determination! I have to make money, so I babysit. To babysit I need a clean house. Clean house, makes for a happy me! And to make a future for my daughter, I HAVE to go to school. How could I ever look her in the eyes and say, you need to go to college if neither one of her parents ever went? I strive to be the example of what I want her to be, although I would prefer her to wait to get married after she was out of college and then start making babies. ; )
I organize. My day is written down to a T, however, with a toddler things don't always, if ever, go as planned. So I strive to follow my plan while being flexible.
Going to school online is almost harder then sitting in a classroom, where you have to be motivated and the teacher will call on you if you even look like your sleeping. Online you don't have the pressure or social support system. You have yourself to tell yourself that you have to do this, or else you will fail. And I don't always listen to myself.

With that all said, LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Rule # 1.


One of those moments you didn't really think happened.

I'm sure you have seen it on the television or maybe some comical article about life as a parent. But you never actually think it will ever happen to you. But it did, it happened to me...

Mashed Potatoes on the ceiling...

How? An extremely talented sharp shooter, who is almost two and goes by the name Skylee.

I haven't had a lot of these moments that I hear other parents warn me about, such as the day my daughter WILL, as they put it, put crayons in the dryer. That hasn't happened, but the fact I had to get a ladder to scrap mashed potatoes off of the ceiling tells me they may just be right.

Have you had one of those moments yet?
